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Bespoke Flower Bouquets in Brighton

Design Your Own Unique Bouquet


At LJ's Flower Shack, we understand the significance of crafting something truly unique for your special someone. We believe that bespoke and distinctive floral arrangements add a touch of excitement to the experience of selecting flowers. Each bouquet we create is infused with a personal touch. Simply click on 'order now' and follow the steps to design your very own one-of-a-kind bouquet.


A Personal Experience

We understand that choosing the perfect flower bouquet is personal, and sometimes it's more comfortable to discuss your ideas. Please don't hesitate to get in touch and we can offer our expertise!

Flower Bouquet Delivery

We thoughtfully design and arrange stunning flower bouquets, delivering them with care to your chosen location. Serving Brighton and surrounding areas, we make it easy to send beautiful, handcrafted blooms for any occasion. Simply share your preferences, and we’ll take care of the rest.


Our Happy Customers

​See what our wonderful customers have to say! We take pride in creating beautiful funeral and wedding flowers, serving Brighton and the surrounding areas with care and attention to detail. Read our reviews to hear about the experiences of those we've had the privilege to serve.

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